Monivent Neo Training is an add-on to existing ventilation equipment and has minimal impact on clinical routines. It provides continuous feedback on several ventilation parameters, including the volumes of air given to the baby using a T-piece or a bag resuscitator.
The airflow is wirelessly measured via a sensor module integrated in the face mask and feedback on the ventilation parameters is displayed numerically and graphically in real-time on the external monitor. For quick guidance to the caregiver the expired tidal volume is indicated with color to show if the volume of air given is within the desired range. For maximum user-friendliness the same color is displayed also by the LED light on the sensor module attached to the mask.

Key Features
- Simple set up by connecting the Monivent Neo Training face mask to conventional bag valve mask or T-piece ventilation device.
- Provides feedback on expiratory tidal volume, peak inspiratory pressure, positive end expiratory pressure, mask leakage and ventilation rate
- Wireless data transfer enhances realism by eliminating connecting cables or tubing.
- Continuous real time feedback enhances and speeds up learning.
- Feedback on face mask leak helps identify need to adjust face mask position.
- PIP in combination with VTe helps identify potential airway obstruction and provides a better understanding of lung compliance.
- Personal training log showing performance over time, increases motivation to practice and improves ventilation skills.